Tuesday 30 June 2015

Changing Platforms

Hello everyone,

My blog is still a baby, only a few weeks old and it's in it's youth. Recently I've seen a lot of people raving about Wordpress and how it's ten times better than blogger. I went and had a little mess around on Wordpress and it's way easier! (for me anyway)

The amount of widgets that you have and how easy it is to customise your blog is insane!

After a lot, and I mean a lot, of humming and haaing I decided to change my blog to Wordpress.

I hope my little group of readers don't mind and will still read my posts. I'm still keeping this blog just in case I want to do something in the future but there will be very little activity.

My new blog is here so please go over and give it a read, a like and a follow. It means the world!

I hope to see you soon,


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